Media | Olemme puutarhassa

Mullasta nousee kasvi


Media Kit

Sponsorship opportunities at the

Olemme puutarhassa (“We’re in the Garden”) is a Finnish blog for grow-your-own enthusiasts, whether they are newbies or old hands, tend an allotment or participate in a community project, grow veg in their home garden or on the balcony.

Since its start in 2012, the blogger intriguingly conveys the pleasure of gardening in all its facets. She packs growing advice in stories about success and failures; watches its readers through the seasons along the phenological calendar and the walk of the moon; and tickles their taste buds with classical and new recipes for one’s own crop. She shares her struggles in hands-on landscaping, but also the pride and satisfaction these projects ultimately deliver. And she takes her readers to known and lesser-known garden destinations all around Europe.


Visitor demographics: geographical distribution in Finland

The has more than 10 000 unique visitors each month (May 1–31, 2014: 11 067, source: Google Analytics), who visit about 20 000 pages.


Visitors belong mainly to the following demographic groups

  • female (c. 80%),
  • aged 25 or above (c. 90%),
  • living in the Helsinki metropolitan area (c. 60%).
Visitor demographics: age distribution
Visitor demographics: gender ratio


The majority of users come to the site via an organic Google search (c. 85%). Most frequent search queries relate to

  • Crop and ornamental plants

    • Cultivation of specific plants, e.g. “sowing garden cress”, “planting onions”, “cultivating kale”, “pruning hawthorn hedges”
    • Treatment of garden crop and its usage in general, e.g. “drying lavender”, “boiling broad beans”, “using Tuscan cabbage”, “preserving Jerusalem artichoke”, “overwintering aubergines”
    • Recipes for garden crop, e.g. “ground elder recipe”, “rhubarb drink”, “barbequed courgettes”, “Garden Angelica jam”, “broad bean stew”, “oven-prepared veg”
  • Gardening techniques

    • Common and traditional knowledge e.g. “crop rotation”, “companion plants”, “allotment tilling”
    • Urban gardening e.g. “growbag”, “potato growing containers”
    • Gardening with the moon e.g. “lunar cycle effect on plants”, “moon calendar”
  • Gardening calendar, e.g. “biodynamic sowing calendar”, “phenological calendar”, “spring garden chores”, “harvest time”, “autumn sowings”
Visitor demographics: interests

Using Google’s categorization of Internet users according to their online behavioral pattern, visitors of share predominantly an interest in Home & Garden matters. Many of these visitors are also interested in Food & Drink and in Pets & Animals. Interestingly, people with this particular set of interest are often interested in Travel and in Real Estate & Financial Services, too.

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Banner Ads

The reserves advertisement space for sponsors in a sidebar to the right of the main content. There are static sponsorboxes available, which come in three different sizes.

Banner ad formats
Ad Format Code Width×Height File Size Limit
Sponsorbox c1 280×100 px 30 kB
Sponsorbox, twofold c2 280×210 px 35 kB
Sponsorbox, threefold c3 280×320 px 40 kB

Advertisement area is limited such that there are never more than three basic sponsorboxes displayed at one time, or two basic and one twofold, or one threefold sponsorbox.

The Advertiser can target specific interest groups via the following parameters:

Banner ad options
Channel gardening, cooking, renovation, leisure
Scope focus (channel pages only),
plus (incl. homepage and cross-channel pages)
Priority (c1, c2 only) w/ priority (always first), w/o priority

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Banner ads are sold on a cost-per-time basis. Display period is one calendar month; bespoke periods are available on request. Time and dates are given in the website’s time zone, i.e. the official time of Finland.

The price of a banner ad is calculated as follows:

Banner ad base prices
Ad format c1 c2 c3
1st Channel 100.00 160.00 210.00
Seasonal discount
 (A) - 0 % - 0 % - 0 %
 (B) - 10 % - 10 % - 10 %
 (C) - 20 % - 20 % - 20 %
 focus incl. incl. incl.
 plus + 25.00 + 40.00 + 52.50
 w/o priority incl. incl.
 w/ priority + 10.00 + 16.00 incl.

Seasonal discounts can be derived from the table below.

Banner ad price groups by season
  gardening cooking renovation leisure
January B B C C
February A B C B
March A B C B
April A A B B
May A A B B
June A A B B
July A A B B
August A A B B
September A A B B
October A A B B
November B A C C
December B A C C

Ad material processing services

Prices of ad material processing services
* Prices are valid in combination with a campaign order only.
Preparation of a static banner, based on an approved visual template* pc 49.50
Ad content ideation and banner drafting* h 104.40
Marketing services and consulting h 130.20

Other services

Prices of other services
Paper invoice by mail pc 10.00


All prices are subject to VAT.

On overdue debts interest is levied according to the Finnish interest directive. For reminders €5.00 are charged.

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Terms and Conditions


The sales of banner advertisement campaigns on the is operated by, a business unit of innevo tmi.

The following terms and conditions are applied when an advertiser, media agency, advertising agency or other advertising service provider (hereinafter ‘the Advertiser’) purchases advertising space on the through innevo tmi (hereinafter ‘innevo’), its websites and mobile services, programs and newsletters. When purchasing advertising space, the Advertiser agrees to comply with these terms and conditions as well as with innevo’s General Terms and Conditions for web banner sales.

Material delivery

Provision of the advertisement file(s) is the sole responsibility of the Advertiser.

Both, ready-to-publish ad material and material to be processed by innevo’s banner ad service are to be sent to media(at), phone +358 (50) 339 55 99.

  • Ready-to-publish material must be provided by email five (5) workdays before the begin of the campaign: jpeg/jpg, png. Pixel-count of width and height must meet banner sizes exactly as specified by the service provider.
  • Material that is to be processed must be provided by email ten (10) workdays before the begin of the campaign: jpeg/jpg, png, tiff/tif tai eps, pdf, PostScript/ps.

The following information must be provided together with the sending of ad material:

  • The Advertiser’s and campaign’s name
  • The Advertiser’s contact information
  • The material providers contact information, company, contact person
  • Billing party (if different from the Advertiser)

Additionally the following campaign specifications:

  • Ad format code
  • Channel, i.e. the connected topic (gardening, cooking, renovation, leisure)
  • Scope (plus, focus)
  • Priority (w/, w/o)
  • URL to which the ad is to direct when clicked
  • Publication day(s)/​period

If campaign material is delivered late, its number of impressions is diminished to the extent of the delay. Late provision of the file(s) does not entitle the Advertiser to any discounts or refunds for display time foregone due the late provision of the file(s).


Sales of banner ads is subject to availability. At any time the number of ads per channel is limited to three c1, or one c1 and one c2, or one c3 ad. To only one of these the priority option can be granted. The same limitations hold for plus-packages.


If the Advertiser cancels a campaign or fails to deliver the ad material, innevo reserves the right to charge the customer as follows:

  • Cancellation is free of charge before passing the deadline for material delivery.
  • A charge of 50% of the net price of the campaign will be charged if the campaign is cancelled up to 48 h before the intended begin date.
  • For campaigns cancelled later than 48 h before the intended begin date, 100% of the net price will be charged.

All cancellations are to be announced in due time and in writing.

In case an order is cancelled, which also comprised of ad material processing services, work time incurred so far will be charged. However, the charge is not to exceed 50% of the campaign order’s net price.

The cancellation policy of individual campaigns may differ from the cancellation policy of campaigns in general as expressed above.

Terms of payment

Banner ad campaigns are invoiced per campaign and period. Invoices are due net on the 10th day after the deadline for material delivery. Any default in paying will cause the campaign stop from displaying and not resuming until overdue accounts have been balanced in full.

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